Script: Quick & simple setup of VNC server on headless machines (Debian Based OSes)

Here is a simple script that will install and setup VNC on a debian based machines e.g. Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Armbian SBC, Nas, Laptop or Desktop etc..

Here is a simple script that will install and setup VNC on a debian based machines e.g. Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Armbian SBC, Nas, Laptop or Desktop etc..


It only requires you to enter your sudo password to install the required packages, and create passwords for a new “vnc” user and a vnc connection password for access from your vnc client machine.

Running the Script

Extract the script and make executable with “chmod +x”. Then run it, entering the passwords for the VNC user and VNC connection when asked.

You can start, stop or reload the tightvncserver by executing one of the following lines

To enable and disable the tightvncserver to autoamatically start at boot time, execute one of the following lines

Connecting to the VNC Host machine

I use  Vinagre, a remote desktop viewer for the GNOME desktop to connect to the VNC host machine from my Ubuntu Laptops.

Connect to the VNC Host on port 5901 e.g. 192.168.x,y:5901.


Below are some results of running the script on various machines

Remove snapd from Ubuntu/Kubuntu 20.04 and restore Chromium apt deb package

Below is a simple script that will remove snaps from the OS and install Chromium from apt deb packaging and prevent Chromium from reverting to the snap version on future updates.

Commandline Upgrade Ubuntu/Kubuntu Bionic 18.04 to Focal 20.04

Upgrading is simply a matter of ensuring Bionic is up to date, switching to the Focal repositories and performing and update and upgrade to Focal. e.g.

Bionic Current

Update Bionic

Change Repositories

You may have to check and change any sources you may have in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ to point to Focal

Update and Upgrade to Focal

Welcome to Focal